2014年6月10日 星期二

iphone-5s/features/ iSight 攝錄鏡頭 - 全球最受歡迎的相機,如今再超越自己。

iSight 攝錄鏡頭 - 全球最受歡迎的相機,如今再超越自己。

iPhone 5s 具備專為 iSight 攝錄鏡頭軟、硬體所自行設計的先進技術。
畢竟,讓 iPhone 學會如何拍攝絕佳照片,比教會每個人成為攝影行家的可行度更高。
以下介紹全新 iSight 攝錄鏡頭的部分功能。

< 感光元件、像素、光圈,全面放大。>
全新的 iSight 具有加大 15% 的感光元件。
像素更大,有 1.5 微米。還有 ƒ/2.2 的光圈。
< 連拍模式 >
連拍模式每秒可連拍 10 張快照,讓你捕捉到動態狀態下的多張動作照片。
< True Tone 閃光燈 >
一盞白光 LED 加一盞黃光 LED 會配合智慧的軟體演算法,
調整閃光燈亮度與色溫,運用超過 1000 種獨特組合來為你所拍攝的主體打出完美光調。
< 自動影像穩定功能 >
< 慢動作影片 >
拍攝每秒 120 影格的 720p 影片,並以 1/4 的速度播放任何片段,創造戲劇效果。
< 錄影即時變焦 >
你可在錄影時對你正在錄製的主體放大高達 3 倍。
< 正方形照片 >
以正方形模式拍攝,iSight 攝錄鏡頭會將你拍攝的畫面自動框定及裁切成正方形格式,
相當適合在 Instagram、Twitter、Facebook 等處進行分享。
< 全景照片 >
< 照片濾鏡 >

iSight camera. The world’s most popular camera gets even better.

iPhone 5s features advanced technologies custom designed for the iSight camera’s hardware and software.
So anyone anywhere can take an amazing photo at any time.
It simply makes more sense to teach iPhone how to take a great picture rather than teach people how to be expert photographers.
Here are just some of the capabilities of the new iSight camera.

< Larger sensor. Larger pixels. Larger aperture.>
Light is a key factor in getting a great photo.
The new iSight has a 15 percent larger sensor. Bigger pixels, measuring 1.5 microns. And an aperture of ƒ/2.2.
All of which let in more light.

< Continuous burst mode. >
Burst mode lets you capture multiple shots of the action by snapping 10 photos per second.
And real-time analysis suggests individual shots or a sequence of photos that you might like best.

< True Tone flash. >
A white LED and an amber LED work with intelligent software algorithms to adjust the flash intensity and color temperature, using over 1000 unique combinations to light your subject perfectly.

< Auto image stabilization. >
Auto image stabilization kicks in when you need it to help reduce noise and motion from shaky hands or moving subjects.

< Slow-motion video. >
Shoot video at 120 frames per second at 720p and play back any section at quarter speed for a dramatic effect.
Then share it with friends for mass appeal.

< Live video zoom. >
Live video zoom lets you get up close with just a pinch.
You can zoom in — up to 3x — on whatever you’re recording while you’re recording.

< Square photos.>
Shoot in square mode, and the iSight camera automatically frames and crops your shot to a square format — perfect for sharing on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, wherever.

< Panorama photos. >
Take a piece — a rather big piece — of a gorgeous skyline with you.
Pano mode lets you capture epic panorama photos with dynamic auto exposure that adjusts as you take the shot.

< Photo filters.>
Apply filters to your still and square photos.
Pick a filter and see the effect before you shoot. Or add it later. If you change your mind and decide no filter is the best filter, simply remove it.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs