2014年6月10日 星期二

iphone-5s/features/ M7 協同處理器 - 全新處理器,節能表現節節上升。

M7 協同處理器 - 全新處理器,節能表現節節上升。

全新 M7 協同處理器猶如 A7 晶片的最佳拍檔。
通常這項工作會落在 A7 晶片的肩頭上,但交給 M7 擔綱處理起來則更有效率。
現在,追蹤體能活動的健康與瘦身 app 可自 M7 協同處理器存取資料,
而無須持續耗用 A7 晶片。因此降低了它們對電池電力的需求。

當你在走路、跑步,或甚至在駕駛中,M7 無一不知。
例如:你打了個盹,M7 便會減少持續發出 ping 訊號來偵測網路,以節省電池電力。

M7 coprocessor. An entirely new processor. For an entirely new level of efficiency.

The new M7 coprocessor is like a sidekick to the A7 chip.
It’s designed specifically to measure motion data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass — a task that would normally fall to the A7 chip.
But M7 is much more efficient at it.
Now fitness apps that track physical activity can access that data from the M7 coprocessor without constantly engaging the A7 chip.
So they require less battery power.

M7 knows when you’re walking, running, or even driving.
For example, Maps switches from driving to walking turn-by-turn navigation if, say, you park and continue on foot.
And if your phone hasn’t moved for a while, like when you’re asleep, M7 reduces network pinging to spare your battery.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs