2014年5月15日 星期四

iphone-5s/ iOS 7 與 iPhone 5s 相得益彰的設計

iOS 7 與 iPhone 5s 相得益彰的設計

iPhone 5s 是全球首見的 64 位元智慧型手機。
iOS 7 的設計以此為念,特別為 64 位元架構所打造。
因此,iOS 7 與搭載它的 iPhone 一樣先進。

iOS 7. Designed to complement iPhone 5s beautifully.

iPhone 5s is the first 64‑bit smartphone in the world.
And iOS 7 was designed with that in mind, built specifically for 64‑bit architecture.
Which makes iOS 7 just as advanced as the iPhone it’s on.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs