2014年5月15日 星期四

iphone-5s/features/ 黃金標準,放諸銀色與灰色皆準。


湛於精工的 iPhone 5s,微米必較,自裡至外不證自明。
亮麗的鋁金屬外殼,光滑俐落的金屬與玻璃材質,藍寶石水晶安居其中的主畫面按鈕,更有藍寶石水晶保護著 iSight 攝錄鏡頭。
最終造就出 iPhone 5s 纖薄輕巧得難以置信的外觀與手感,且它身具金、銀及太空灰三款優雅的本色。

The gold standard. Also available in silver and gray.

iPhone 5s is precision crafted down to the micron.
And it’s evident throughout. The beautiful aluminum housing. The sleekness of metal and glass.
Sapphire crystal in the Home button. And more sapphire crystal protecting the iSight camera.
Design and construction of this level is unmatched.
As a result, iPhone 5s looks and feels unbelievably thin and light.
And it’s available in three elegant expressions: gold, silver, and space gray.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs