2014年2月27日 星期四

mac/pages/ 強大的創意工具 - 創意寫作,任何題材,任你寫。

強大的創意工具 - 創意寫作,任何題材,任你寫。

Pages 是款功能齊備的文書處理器,協助你將每份文件變成必讀佳作。

Powerful creative tools. Creative writing. No matter what your subject.

Express yourself both verbally and visually.
But always artistically. Choose fonts, styles, and character and line spacing.
Drop in a photo. Then resize it, rotate it, and remove the background.
Maybe even add an interactive chart.
Pages is a full‑featured word processor that helps you turn every document into a must‑read.

mac/pages/ Pages - 文書處理的最高境界,為你大開新頁。

Pages - 文書處理的最高境界,為你大開新頁。

Mac 版 Pages 是款強大的文書處理器,賦予你一切所需,以製作出美觀雅緻的文件,更能賞心悅目地閱讀。
它能讓你在 Mac 與 iOS 裝置間天衣無縫地接續工作,
也能與其他使用 Microsoft Word 的人一同作業,毫不費力。

Pages. The last word in word processing.

Pages for Mac is a powerful word processor that gives you everything you need to create documents that look beautiful.
And read beautifully.
It lets you work seamlessly between Mac and iOS devices.
And even work effortlessly with people who use Microsoft Word.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Photo Booth

Photo Booth

向 Mac 有趣的一面打聲招呼吧!
真正的樂趣,在你加入特效和背景才開始 (像是艾菲爾鐵塔或外太空)。
只要按一下「分享」,即可將它們發佈到 Facebook 和 Twitter。

Photo Booth

Say hello to the silly side of Mac.
Take fun snapshots and make short videos.
Snap single photos or a four‑photo burst.
The real fun starts when you add effects and backdrops, like the Eiffel Tower or outer space.
Just click Share to post them to Facebook and Twitter.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Time Machine

Time Machine

Time Machine 可以與外接硬碟或 AirPort Time Capsule (另售) 搭配使用,自動備份你 Mac 上的資料。
Time Machine 會備份你的整個系統,包括檔案、應用程式、帳號、偏好設定、音樂、照片、影片和文件。

Time Machine
Time Machine works with an external hard drive or AirPort Time Capsule (sold separately) to automatically back up the data on your Mac.
Just set it up once and rest easy.
Time Machine backs up your entire system, including files, applications, accounts, preferences, music, photos, movies, and documents.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Game Center

Game Center

與使用 Mac、iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 的任何人一較高下。
只要使用你的 Apple ID 建立 Game Center 帳號,然後登入,你就加入戰局了。
甚至在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上分享你的分數。

Game Center

Go head‑to‑head with anyone on a Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Just create a Game Center account with your Apple ID.
Then sign in and you’re in.
You can see the games you’ve played, start a new one, check out leaderboards, even share your scores on Facebook and Twitter.

macbook-air/built-in-apps iTunes


若要整理及享受你已有的音樂、電影以及 app,iTunes 是最簡單的方式,


iTunes is the easiest way to organize and enjoy the music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books you already have — and shop for the ones you want to get.
And now with iTunes Radio, you can listen to free streaming radio stations featuring the best selection of music.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 備忘錄


當你在 Mac 上製作備忘錄,iCloud 會自動更新你的 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch。


Think it up.
Jot it down.
Make your note more noteworthy with photos, images, and attachments.
Send them with Mail or Messages, or pin important notes to your desktop.
And when you make a note on your Mac, iCloud automatically updates your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 預覽程式


檢視 PDF、照片和各種檔案時,無須打開製作這些檔案的 app。

View PDFs, photos, and all kinds of files without having to open the apps they were created with.
Take them full screen with a click.
Select text or images to copy and paste.
Reorder a document or delete pages.
Mark it up with easy‑to‑use annotation tools.
You can also crop, rotate, resize, and save image files in a range of formats.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 提醒事項


為確保你不會忘記任何事,iCloud 會讓你的提醒事項在你的 iPad、iPhone 與 iPod touch 上保持更新。


Reminders helps you get your to‑dos done.
Make to‑do lists, set due dates, and get alerts as deadlines approach.
Check items off your lists as you go.
And to be sure you don’t forget anything, iCloud keeps your reminders up to date on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 聯絡資訊


輸入來自其他 app、Facebook 和 LinkedIn 的姓名、電話號碼、地址和照片,
而有了 iCloud,所有在你 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 的資料都可同時更新。


Friends, family, business associates. Store their info in Contacts.
Import names, numbers, addresses, and photos from other apps, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Create smart groups.
Print address labels and envelopes.
And with iCloud, keep it all up to date on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

2014年2月26日 星期三

macbook-air/built-in-apps 訊息


傳送不限則數的訊息給任何使用 Mac、iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的人。
這一切都與你的 Yahoo! 即時通和 AIM 協同運作,天衣無縫。


Send unlimited messages to anyone on a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Share photos, videos, documents, or contacts with a friend or a group.
See when your message has been delivered and when someone is typing a reply.
It all works seamlessly with Yahoo! Messenger and AIM.

macbook-air/built-in-apps FaceTime


與使用 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 或另一台 Mac 上的任何人交談,有說有笑。
進行 FaceTime 通話就像點按聯絡資訊一樣簡單。


Talk, smile, and laugh with anyone on an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or another Mac.
Making a FaceTime call is as simple as clicking a contact.
When someone calls, you’ll get a notification that tells you who’s calling and lets you accept, decline, or set a callback reminder.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 行事曆


你可以分開建立個別的行事曆 (家庭、學校等),而且所有的行事曆皆一目了然。
「行事曆」可搭配 Yahoo! 和 Google 使用。
而有了 iCloud,所有資料在 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 上都可同時更新。


Keep track of your busy schedule and share it with others.
Create separate calendars — one for home, another for school, and so on — and see them all at a glance.
A new inspector lets you add a location to your event, autocompletes addresses as you type, and provides a map and weather forecast.
It can even plan for travel time.
Calendar works with Yahoo! and Google.
And with iCloud, it stays up to date with your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

macbook-air/built-in-apps地圖 - 現在抵達新目的地,抵達你的 Mac。

macbook-air/built-in-apps地圖 - 現在抵達新目的地,抵達你的 Mac。

有了「地圖」,你可以在 Mac 查詢方向,
並將結果直接傳送至 iPhone 進行語音導航。
你的書籤和最近的查詢結果會自動推送至你的 iOS 裝置,
而 Mac 的繪圖處理能力讓你所有操作都無比流暢,反應靈敏。

Maps. Now at a new destination. Your Mac.

Now you’ve got the whole world on your desktop.
And at your fingertips like never before.
With Maps you can look up directions on your Mac and send them right to your iPhone for voice navigation.
Your bookmarks and recent searches are automatically pushed to your iOS devices.
You can get information on restaurants, hotels, and attractions, with phone numbers, Yelp reviews, and more.
And the graphics power of the Mac makes everything you do incredibly smooth and responsive.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Pages - 文書處理的最高境界,為你大開新頁。

Pages - 文書處理的最高境界,為你大開新頁。

從輸入第一個字母的那一刻起,你就會發現在 Pages 裡製作精美文件是再自然不過的事。

Pages. The last word in word processing.

From the first letter you type, you’ll realize how natural it is to make beautiful documents in Pages.
Paint a picture with words. Or add a picture, shape, or interactive chart.
Tools for whatever you’re doing appear right when you need them.
When you’re ready, you can share in lots of ways with a single click.
Writing has never been so effortless. Period.

macbook-air/built-in-apps GarageBand - 輕鬆玩成調,玩出絕妙好調。

GarageBand - 輕鬆玩成調,玩出絕妙好調。

在你的 Mac 上製作絕佳的音樂,從未如此簡單,更是樂趣橫生。
GarageBand 給你一整組夢幻團隊,有擴大器及效果器、包含樂器及循環播放的全新「聲音資料庫」,
GarageBand 為你提供製作並分享絕佳音樂的一切所需,助你一鳴驚人。

GarageBand. Incredible music. In the key of easy.

Creating great music on your Mac has never been easier. Or more fun.
GarageBand gives you a dream collection of amps and stompboxes, an all‑new Sound Library of instruments and loops — even a virtual session drummer that follows your lead.
And you can release your hit single to the world in seconds.
From music lessons to mastering tools, GarageBand has everything you need to make and share truly great music, while having a blast doing it.

macbook-air/built-in-apps iMovie - 大製作,不必大動作。

iMovie - 大製作,不必大動作。

iMovie 為你所有的家庭影片,找到一個家。
iMovie 提供你所需工具,讓你和最親密粉絲分享,或為你的全球首映做好準備。

iMovie. A major production. Without the major production.

With iMovie, you have a great home for all your home video.
An all‑new design makes it easy to browse and lets you share your favorite moments instantly.
And when you want to transform a few clips into your all‑time favorite movie or trailer,
iMovie gives you the tools to share it with your closest fans or make it ready for your world premiere.

macbook-air/built-in-apps iPhoto - 盡現你的照片,更加精彩活現。

iPhoto - 盡現你的照片,更加精彩活現。

iPhoto 提供你所需的一切,任你隨心所欲地處理你的照片,
將它們發佈到 Facebook、Twitter 及 Flickr;
製作有娛樂性的幻燈片秀,或是使用 iCloud 與朋友及家人分享照片,
都只需使用 iPhoto 就可完成。

iPhoto. Where your photos live. And come to life.

iPhoto gives you everything you need to do everything you want with your photos.
Keep them organized and easy to find in lots of different ways.
Use powerful yet simple editing tools to perfect each shot.
Send your photos via Mail and Messages. Post them to Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr.
Create entertaining slideshows, or share your pictures with friends and family using iCloud.
You can even turn your favorite shots into gorgeous photo books, cards, calendars, and prints — all without ever leaving iPhoto.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Mac App Store - 出色 App,來自 Mac,用之於 Mac。

Mac App Store - 出色 App,來自 Mac,用之於 Mac。

一如在 iPad 和 iPhone 上進行選購,Mac App Store 提供成千上萬種 app,供你在 Mac 上瀏覽購買。
只要一個步驟,即可將新的 app 直接安裝至 Launchpad。
現在 Mac App Store 可為你自動更新你的 app,使你隨時擁有最新版本。

Mac App Store. Get apps for your Mac from your Mac.

Just like shopping the App Store on your iPad and iPhone, the Mac App Store offers thousands of apps to browse and purchase on your Mac.
New apps install in one step right to Launchpad.
And now the Mac App Store can automatically update your apps for you, so you always have the latest versions.

macbook-air/built-in-apps iBooks - Mac 加入讀書會了

iBooks - Mac 加入讀書會了

只要在 Mac 上開啟 iBooks,你在 iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 下載的任何書籍都會自動出現在你的書架上。
iBooks Store 有數千本的書籍供你發掘。
當你在 Mac 記筆記、畫重點或加上書籤,iCloud 會自動將它們推送到你所有裝置。

iBooks. Mac joins the book club.

Launch iBooks on your Mac and any book you’ve downloaded on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch will automatically appear on your bookshelf.
And there are over 2 million more to discover and buy in the iBooks Store.
Reading is easy and intuitive — turn pages with a swipe and zoom in with a pinch.
If you’re a student hitting the books, you can keep as many open as you like.
And when you take notes or highlight passages on your Mac, iCloud pushes them to all your devices automatically.
It even remembers which page you’re on, so you can always pick up right where you left off.

macbook-air/built-in-apps 郵件 - 盡收絕佳功能的收件匣

郵件 - 盡收絕佳功能的收件匣

若要在你的 Mac 上管理電子郵件,「郵件」是最簡單易用也最強大的方式。
你輕易就能設定使用常見的電子郵件服務,如 iCloud、Gmail、Yahoo!、AOL 和 Microsoft Exchange。

Mail. An inbox full of great features.

Mail is the simplest, most powerful way to manage email on your Mac.
It’s easy to set up and works with popular email services like iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft Exchange.
If you have multiple email accounts, add them to Mail and access them all from one place.
With Mail, you can work with messages in your inbox when you’re offline, too.
Searching is fast and powerful.
Attaching files or images is as simple as dragging and dropping.
And with a choice of views, Mail makes full use of your widescreen display.
So it looks as great as it works.

macbook-air/built-in-apps Safari - 悠遊網路最聰明的方法

Safari - 悠遊網路最聰明的方法

Safari 具有絕佳的功能和創新概念,可讓你享受更多網路內容。
使用「分享的連結」功能輕鬆查看你在 Twitter 與 LinkedIn 關注的人所分享的網頁;
按一下「分享」按鈕來推文、發佈到 Facebook 或是寄給朋友,

Safari. The smartest way to surf.

Safari has great features and innovations that let you enjoy more of the web.
With Shared Links, it’s easy to see web pages shared by people you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn.
It’s also easy for you to share web pages.
Just click the Share button to tweet, post to Facebook, or send to a friend.
There are energy‑saving technologies that let you surf longer.
And built‑in privacy features that protect you from being tracked as you go.
With blazing performance and support for the latest web standards, there’s no better way to browse.

2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/built-in-apps Mac 的無與倫比,就是讓你無所不能。

Mac 的無與倫比,就是讓你無所不能。

它隨附的 app 可用來瀏覽網頁、傳送電子郵件,以及閱讀書籍。
有適合發揮創意的 app、為生產力而設的 app、甚至還有一款 app 可協助你尋找新 app。
你的 Mac 不僅功能完整,更是一應俱全。

One of the best things about a Mac is everything you can do with it.

It comes with apps for surfing the web, sending email, and reading books.
Apps for creativity. Apps for productivity. Even an app for finding new apps.
Your Mac is more than full‑featured, it’s fully loaded.

osx/apps/ Photo Booth -「笑一個」,說完來個招牌笑容。

Photo Booth -「笑一個」,說完來個招牌笑容。

在 Photo Booth,拍攝趣味快照和短片,
因為有了內建的「分享按鈕」,你可將你的照片直接分享到 Facebook 與 Twitter。
將照片加入你的 iPhoto 圖庫。
你可以讓自己在艾菲爾鐵塔前或是外太空留影,從 9 種運用臉部追蹤技術的特效中選擇,讓你無論在鏡頭前後左右,都展現完美。
然後全螢幕觀看你的 Photo Booth 照片。

Photo Booth. Say “cheese,” then smile.

Take fun snapshots and make short videos in Photo Booth.
You can share what you shoot directly to Facebook and Twitter thanks to the built-in Share button.
Use photos as your Messages icons. Assign them to friends and family in Contacts.
And add photos to your iPhoto library.
But the real fun starts when you use the effects and backdrops.
Snap a photo of yourself at the Eiffel Tower or in outer space.
Choose from nine effects that use facial tracking technology so effects look great whether you’re front and center — or left of center.
Snap single photos or shoot multiples in a four-photo burst.
You can even shoot and trim video clips, complete with effects.
And see your Photo Booth photos full screen.

osx/apps/ FaceTime - 讓你的笑容無遠弗屆

FaceTime - 讓你的笑容無遠弗屆

Mac 的 FaceTime 可對 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 或其他 Mac 上的任何人聊天,微笑,或開心大笑。
只要在「聯絡資訊」上找出你想見的人,即可開始 FaceTime 視訊通話。
即使沒在執行 FaceTime 時也可接到來電,你就不必擔心自己接不到電話。

FaceTime. Make your smile go further.

FaceTime for Mac makes it possible to talk, smile, and laugh with anyone on an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or another Mac.
So you can catch up, hang out, and stay in touch with just a click.
Simply find the person you want to see in Contacts and start a FaceTime call.
When someone calls, you’ll get a notification that tells you who’s calling and lets you accept, decline, or set a callback reminder.
It works even if FaceTime isn’t running, so you never have to worry about making yourself available.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs