2014年2月24日 星期一

macbook-air/performance 更快的快閃儲存,容量高達 512GB。

更快的快閃儲存,容量高達 512GB。

從你啟動 MacBook Air 的那一刻起,你就了解這正是筆記型電腦應有的效能表現。
其速度比傳統 5400-rpm 筆記型電腦硬碟更快達 9 倍,
比上一代 MacBook Air 更快上 45%。
App 啟動迅速。檔案與文件開啟更加快速。
即使處於待機模式一個月之後,MacBook Air 隨時都能生龍活虎。
且在全速之巔,你還擁有更多空間:128GB 現成為 11 吋機型的標準配備。

Faster flash storage. Up to 512GB.

From the moment you start up MacBook Air, you realize this is exactly how a notebook should perform.
Much of that power is thanks to flash storage, which is up to 9x faster than a traditional 5400-rpm notebook hard drive — and up to 45 percent faster than the flash storage in the previous-generation MacBook Air.
Apps launch quickly. Files and documents open faster.
Even after a month in standby mode, MacBook Air springs to life.
And on top of all that speed, you also get more space — the 11-inch model now comes standard with 128GB.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs