2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 層層全力打造,處處強勁發揮。


要讓強大的事物變得看似簡單,需要嚴謹的尖端科技,而 OS X 正集其大成。
它建立在堅如磐石、久經考驗的 UNIX 系統之上,具有無可匹敵的穩定性,以及領先業界的 Internet 標準支援。
OS X 能讓每台新 Mac 的多核心 Intel 處理器盡情發揮;
而 OS X 內驚人的繪圖處理能力,可讓 Aperture 與 Final Cut Pro 等應用程式帶給你前所未有的編輯照片與視訊的能力。

Built for power. From the ground up.

Making powerful things simple requires some seriously advanced technologies.
OS X is loaded with them.
It’s built on a rock-solid, time-tested UNIX foundation that provides unparalleled stability and industry-leading support for Internet standards.
OS X takes full advantage of the multicore Intel processors in every new Mac.
And the incredible graphics capabilities in OS X allow applications like Aperture and Final Cut Pro to give you unprecedented photo and video editing power.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs