2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 款款出色 App,事事輕鬆應對。

款款出色 App,事事輕鬆應對。

使用 OS X,你就擁有日常工作所會使用到的一系列出色 app,
任你悠遊網頁、進行 FaceTime 視訊通話、傳送訊息、取得行車指引、管理你的聯絡資訊、寄發郵件,以及其他各種任務。
因為這一切皆由 Apple 專為 OS X 所打造,所以能與作業系統完全整合,且協同運作。
因此,只需輕按幾下,你就能做到下列事情,像是輕點聯絡資訊卡便能看到地址相應的地圖、從電子郵件中就能設定好行事曆約會,或是分享網頁內容卻不必在 app 之間來回切換。
因為這些 app 都是原生執行,而非瀏覽器上執行的網頁 app,它們能充分善用你 Mac 的強勁功能,盡可能發揮最快速的效能表現。
還有內建其中的 Mac App Store,要找出絕佳出色的 app 再簡單不過。

Amazing apps for everyday things.

With OS X, you get a collection of great apps for the things you do every day: surf the web, make FaceTime video calls, send messages, get driving directions, manage your contacts, send email, and more.
Because they’re built by Apple just for OS X, they’re fully integrated into the operating system and with each other.
So with just a few clicks, you can do things like view a map of an address by clicking a contact card, set up a calendar appointment from an email, or share a web page without switching apps.
Because they’re native apps — not web apps in a browser — they also take full advantage of the power of your Mac to deliver the fastest possible performance.
In addition, whenever there’s an update, you’ll get it automatically.
And with the Mac App Store built in, it’s easy to find more great apps.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs