2014年2月25日 星期二

osx/apps/ FaceTime - 讓你的笑容無遠弗屆

FaceTime - 讓你的笑容無遠弗屆

Mac 的 FaceTime 可對 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 或其他 Mac 上的任何人聊天,微笑,或開心大笑。
只要在「聯絡資訊」上找出你想見的人,即可開始 FaceTime 視訊通話。
即使沒在執行 FaceTime 時也可接到來電,你就不必擔心自己接不到電話。

FaceTime. Make your smile go further.

FaceTime for Mac makes it possible to talk, smile, and laugh with anyone on an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or another Mac.
So you can catch up, hang out, and stay in touch with just a click.
Simply find the person you want to see in Contacts and start a FaceTime call.
When someone calls, you’ll get a notification that tells you who’s calling and lets you accept, decline, or set a callback reminder.
It works even if FaceTime isn’t running, so you never have to worry about making yourself available.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs