2014年2月24日 星期一

macbook-air 全新 802.11ac Wi-Fi - 支援新一代無線技術

全新 802.11ac Wi-Fi - 支援新一代無線技術

有了最新的 802.11ac 技術,MacBook Air 讓 Wi-Fi 速度超越巔峰。
連接至全新 AirPort Extreme 或 AirPort Time Capsule 的 802.11ac 基地台,
並體驗比前一代機種快達 3 倍的速度。
802.11ac 的覆蓋範圍更廣,所以你工作起來更加無拘無束,更勝以往。

New 802.11ac Wi-Fi support. The next generation of wireless.
With the latest 802.11ac technology, MacBook Air takesWi-Fi speeds over the top.
Connect to an 802.11ac base station — including the new AirPort Extreme or AirPort Time Capsule — and experience wireless performance up to 3x faster than the previous generation.
802.11ac also delivers expanded range, so you can work more freely than ever.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs