2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 內建輔助使用功能


各種能幫助身心障礙人士享受 Mac 的輔助技術,在 OS X 中皆爲標準配備,其中包括許多你在其他作業系統上花錢都買不到的功能。
舉例來說,內建的 VoiceOver 螢幕報讀技術,支援超過 30 種語言,讓盲人或弱視者得以用鍵盤指令或 Multi-Touch 多點觸控軌跡板的手勢來掌控他們的電腦。
OS X 更為包括藍牙顯示器在內的超過 40 種點字顯示器,以及其他許多輔助使用功能,例如動態全螢幕放大、隱藏式字幕播放,以及可縮放的螢幕畫面等,提供開箱即用的豐富支援。

Accessibility built in.

OS X comes standard with a wide range of assistive technologies that help people with disabilities experience what the Mac has to offer, including many features you won’t find in other operating systems — at any price.
For example, the built-in VoiceOver screen reader, available in over 30 languages, makes it possible for those who are blind or have low vision to control their computers using key commands or gestures on a Multi‑Touch trackpad.
Switch Control makes it easier to navigate menus and operate basic controls such as volume, brightness, eject, and media playback.
OS X also offers out-of-the-box support for more than 40 braille displays (including Bluetooth displays) and many other accessibility features, such as dynamic full-screen magnification, playback of closed captions, and a scalable screen.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs