2014年2月25日 星期二

osx/apps/ 訊息 - Mac 讓話題持續不停

訊息 - Mac 讓話題持續不停

Mac 的「訊息」不僅是傳送簡訊而已,
它的 iMessage 能讓你不限次數地將訊息發給任何一位 Mac、iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的使用者。
甚至你在 Mac 上開始的對話,也可以繼續在你的 iOS 裝置上接著聊。
「訊息」還可與 Yahoo! 奇摩即時通和 AIM 協同運作,天衣無縫,讓你用自己喜愛的方式繼續聊下去。

Messages. Mac keeps the conversation going.

Messages on the Mac is more than instant messaging.
It comes with iMessage, so you can send unlimited messages to anyone on a Mac or an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
You can even start a conversation on your Mac and pick it up on your iOS devices.
If you want your friends to see when you’ve read their messages, just turn on read receipts.
With end-to-end encryption, your messages stay safe and private.
You can also send photos, videos, documents, and contacts to a friend or to a group, and see when your message has been delivered and when someone’s typing a reply.
And Messages works seamlessly with Yahoo! Messenger and AIM, so you can keep up with conversations any way you like.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs