2014年2月26日 星期三

macbook-air/built-in-apps地圖 - 現在抵達新目的地,抵達你的 Mac。

macbook-air/built-in-apps地圖 - 現在抵達新目的地,抵達你的 Mac。

有了「地圖」,你可以在 Mac 查詢方向,
並將結果直接傳送至 iPhone 進行語音導航。
你的書籤和最近的查詢結果會自動推送至你的 iOS 裝置,
而 Mac 的繪圖處理能力讓你所有操作都無比流暢,反應靈敏。

Maps. Now at a new destination. Your Mac.

Now you’ve got the whole world on your desktop.
And at your fingertips like never before.
With Maps you can look up directions on your Mac and send them right to your iPhone for voice navigation.
Your bookmarks and recent searches are automatically pushed to your iOS devices.
You can get information on restaurants, hotels, and attractions, with phone numbers, Yelp reviews, and more.
And the graphics power of the Mac makes everything you do incredibly smooth and responsive.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs