2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 安全優先設想,而非日後考量。


每部 Mac 採用各種先進技術設計而成,相互配合,不斷地檢驗、加密、更新,致力於確保你的 Mac 更安全無虞。
打從一開始,OS X 就包含許多設計用來保護你的 Mac 和其內資訊的功能。
Gatekeeper 讓下載和安裝 App 更為安全;
FileVault 使用強大的加密方式保障資料安全;
沙箱模式能隔絕各個 app,使其互相無法存取,也不能存取你的系統與你的資料,藉此來保護你的系統。
「尋找我的 Mac」可幫你在地圖上定位出遺失的 Mac、遠端設定鎖機密碼,以及更多功能;
想擁有最佳方法確保你的 Mac 能擁有最新的安全功能?
Mac App Store 在軟體更新推出時會通知你,只要安裝軟體更新就行了。
再加上免額外付費即可取得的 OS X Mavericks,要確保你 Mac 的安全,前所未有的簡單。

Security was the first thought. Not an afterthought.

Every Mac is designed with advanced technologies that work together to constantly scrutinize, encrypt, update — and ultimately keep your Mac safer.
For starters, OS X includes a host of features designed to protect your Mac and the information on it.
Gatekeeper makes it safer to download and install apps.
FileVault safeguards data using powerful encryption.
Sandboxing protects your system by isolating apps from each other, as well as from your system and your data.
Find My Mac helps you locate your missing Mac on a map, set a passcode remotely, and more.
Customizable privacy settings keep your personal information under your control.
The best way to keep your Mac up to date with the latest security features? Just install software updates — the Mac App Store notifies you when you have an update.
And with OS X Mavericks available free, it’s easier than ever to keep your Mac safe.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs