2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx Multi-Touch 多點觸控,Mac 上顯風采。

Multi-Touch 多點觸控,Mac 上顯風采。

我們相信,要將 Multi-Touch 多點觸控手勢帶至電腦的最佳方式,就是套用於軌跡板的水平表面。
所以,以手指輕點、捲動、開合與滑動來瀏覽你的 Mac,一切操作無比自然。
因為硬體與軟體都是 Apple 一手創造,讓 Multi-Touch 多點觸控手勢顯得格外靈敏精密。
不只這些,還有更多手勢,都使你在 Mac 上所做的一切事更輕鬆、更直覺、更有趣。

< 點按 >
在 Multi‑Touch 多點觸控軌跡板上,按壓任何地方,或在系統偏好設定中啓用「點一下來選按」功能,即可輕點表面使用點按功能。
< 兩指捲視 >
< 兩指滑動來進行導覽 >
使用兩指,沿著 Multi‑Touch 多點觸控軌跡板向左向右輕掃,即可在 Safari 中導覽下一頁及上一頁。
< 輕點縮放 >
以兩指點兩下軌跡板,以放大網頁或 PDF 檔案。
< 雙指開合放大縮小 >
< 三指滑動 >
以三指滑動,即可在桌面與全螢幕 app 之間移動。
< 三指向上滑動來顯示 Mission Control >
以三指在軌跡板向上滑動,即可以鳥瞰視野綜覽你 Mac 上的所有動態。
< 手指開合來開啟 Launchpad >
以拇指與三指同時開合,以查看你 Mac 上的所有 app。
< 點按 >
< 單指捲視 >
< 單指滑動來進行導覽 >
以單指向左或向右滑動,即可在 Safari 中前往下一頁或上一頁。
< 輕點縮放 >
以兩指點兩下滑鼠,以放大網頁或 PDF 檔案。
< 點兩下來顯示 Mission Control >
以兩指點兩下,即可以鳥瞰視野綜覽你 Mac 上的所有動態。

Multi‑Touch, Mac style.

We believe the best way to bring Multi‑Touch gestures to a computer is on the horizontal surface of a trackpad.
So navigating your Mac using your fingers to tap, scroll, pinch, and swipe feels perfectly natural.
And because Apple makes both the hardware and software, Multi‑Touch gestures are remarkably precise.
When you scroll down, your document scrolls down.
When you scroll up, your web page scrolls up.
When you swipe left, your photos move left.
These and other gestures make all you do on your Mac easy, intuitive, and fun.

< Click >
Press down anywhere on the Multi‑Touch trackpad to click. Or, with Tap to Click enabled in System Preferences, simply tap the surface.
< Two-finger scroll >
Slide two fingers up or down on the trackpad to scroll through documents, websites, and more.
< Two-finger swipe to navigate >
Using two fingers, brush left and right along the Multi‑Touch trackpad to navigate forward and back in Safari.
< Tap to zoom >
Double‑tap the trackpad with two fingers to magnify a web page or PDF.
< Pinch to zoom >
Zoom in and out of photos and web pages by moving your thumb and finger in a pinch gesture.
< Three-finger swipe >
Swipe three fingers to move between desktops and full‑screen apps.
< Three-finger swipe up for Mission Control >
Swipe three fingers up on the trackpad to get a bird’s‑eye view of everything running on your Mac.
< Pinch to open Launchpad >
Pinch your thumb and three fingers together to see all the apps on your Mac.
< Click >
Click or double-click anywhere. The whole surface is the button.
< One-finger scroll >
Slide one finger up or down on the mouse to scroll through documents, websites, and more.
< One-finger swipe to navigate >
Swipe left or right with one finger to go forward or back in Safari.
< Tap to zoom >
Double-tap the mouse to magnify a web page or PDF.
< Double-tap for Mission Control >
Double-tap with two fingers to get a bird’s-eye view of everything running on your Mac.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs