2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 專業高手級的進階功能,誰用都好。


作為電腦作業系統,OS X 提供多種威力強大的方式,盡可能以高效率的方式完成各種工作。
例如,不論檔案是在你的 Mac 、伺服器或 iCloud 上,你都有多種方式整理和尋找檔案。
使用 Finder 標籤頁,能將多個 Finder 視窗整合為一,從單一視窗就能存取整理你的所有檔案;
還能以標記來整理檔案,如此一來,你日後就能透過搜尋標記,或只要點按 Finder 標籤頁側邊欄中的標記,就能輕易找出這些檔案。
如果你喜歡同時使用多個應用程式進行作業,Mission Control 讓你能以鳥瞰的方式,一覽你系統上正在進行的每件事情。
如果你想要在 Mac 上使用第二台顯示器,只要將其接上,不須任何配置就能直接使用。
如果你有台 Apple TV,更可免去連接動作,因為這樣就可以透過你的無線網路,將你的 HDTV 作為全功能的第二台顯示器使用。

Advanced features for power users. And everybody else, too.

As a desktop operating system, OS X offers powerful ways to get work done as efficiently as possible.
For example, you have multiple ways to organize and find files — whether they’re on your Mac, on a server, or in iCloud.
With Finder Tabs, you can consolidate multiple Finder windows into one, so you can access and organize all your files from a single window.
And tags let you organize files so you can easily find them later by searching or simply clicking a tag in the Finder sidebar.
If you like to work with multiple applications at the same time, Mission Control gives you a bird’s-eye view of everything that’s running on your system.
And if you want to use a second display with your Mac, just plug it in — no configuration required.
If you have an Apple TV, you don’t even have to plug in because you can use your HDTV as a fully functional second display over your wireless network.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs