2014年2月25日 星期二

macbook-air/osx 易學,易用,輕鬆愛上。


從你 Mac 開機後看到的桌面,到你日常使用的應用程式,
在 Mac 上,如此簡單就能進行搜尋、分享和完成幾乎所有事。
以簡單而直覺的手勢,操控你的 Mac;
你可自 Dock 輕鬆開啟喜愛的 app;
藉由 Launchpad,快速取得你完整的 app 資料庫;
在 Finder 中,輕鬆瀏覽與整理你的檔案;
Spotlight 搜尋讓你不費吹灰之力尋找的所需檔案;
甚至還能讓你的 app 與作業系統自動進行軟體更新。
Mac 會自動為你完成許多事,有時你甚至不須自己動手。

Easy to learn. Easy to use. Easy to love.

From the desktop you see when you start up your Mac to the applications you use every day, everything is designed to be easy and intuitive.
On a Mac, it’s easy to find, share, and do just about everything.
You can control your Mac with simple, intuitive gestures.
The Dock makes it easy to open your favorite apps.
Launchpad gives you quick access to your full library of apps.
The Finder lets you browse and organize your files with ease.
Spotlight search makes locating the file you’re looking for effortless.
You can even have your apps and the operating system software update automatically.
In fact, a Mac does so many things automatically, sometimes you don’t have to do anything at all.



Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs